Alley-Cat Race Belgrade - Potpuno nezvanicna bicik

Biciklizam, Last Minute druženje, Beograd, utorak, 1. april 2014, sa vremenom okupljanja u 21:00h. Poziva Aleksandar (malishahaha).
  • Mesto:
  • Datum:
    Utorak, 1. april 2014
  • Vreme:
  • Broj prijavljenih:
Potpuno nezvanicna biciklisticka trka Beogradom od tacke A preko B, C, D pa natrag na A oko 30-40km, svako sam bira svoju rutu izmedju tacaka. Kad? Prvi april. Kako? Biciklom. Sta treba od opreme? Bicikl na ljudski pogon, bilo koja varijanta. Prijave na tacki A, 1. aprila od 20.00 do 20.45. Start 21.00. Tacnu lokaciju tacke A saznacete ovde a lokacije B i C tokom trke. Ucestvujete na vlastitu odgovornost. Vi ste odgovorni za vlastitu i bezbednost ostalih ucesnika u saobracaju. Svw informacije na

An alley-cat race is an informal race held in cities with as much emphasis on participation and fellowship between cyclists as on winning. Usually there is no set race course, and cyclists are free to choose whatever route they come up with to get to the finish as fast as possible. Formats vary, but alley-cat races may include a series of checkpoints that cyclists must reach in order to complete the race. Often there are tasks and/or obstacles at each station that must be completed that add to the fun and competition. This may be something like chugging a beer, performing a track-stand or doing a three-legged race.

Since the required checkpoints are commonly provided just shortly before the race itself, a cyclist's knowledge of the city and various ways to get around may be an advantage. Participants may ride on-road or go through parks, college campuses, bike trails or other off-street routes.
  • homer

    Novak B. (homer)

    21. mar 2014 23:08h

    Nadam se da nece biti tragicnih ishoda, kao na nekim ovakvim dogadjajima sirom sveta....

  • Nenadbg

    Nenad S. (Nenadbg)

    27. mar 2014 13:43h

    Potpuno suludo.Rusi ugled samih biciklista,iako znamo da se u nasoj zemlji jako lose pazi na bicikliste.
    Organizator se sakrio,jer ne zeli da snosi posledice,ukoliko se nesto dogodi ?

  • angelss

    Jovan A. (angelss)

    1. apr 2014 20:40h

    Imali kakvih imformacija o trci ili je ovo prvoaprilska sala?

  • Bojan_Tim

    Bojan T. (Bojan_Tim)

    9. jul 2017 21:31h

    Jeli ima neka trka u Avgustu?

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