Cestitamo !!! :]
Started By
, Jan 31 2008 11:17 PM
1168 replies to this topic
Posted 03 August 2009 - 10:18 PM
Sefe srecan rodjis
"The bicycle has a soul. If you succeed to love it, it will give you emotions that you will never forget."
Polar matrix - 14400km; Gary Fisher - 28983km; Wilier - ...in progress...
"The bicycle has a soul. If you succeed to love it, it will give you emotions that you will never forget."
Polar matrix - 14400km; Gary Fisher - 28983km; Wilier - ...in progress...
Posted 07 August 2009 - 07:07 PM
Nikola da si ziv i zdrav!! Sve najbolje!!
Pa da konacno cugnemo i to pivo
Pa da konacno cugnemo i to pivo
Posted 12 August 2009 - 02:20 PM
Drugari, sa zakasnjenjem, hvala puno svima na cestitkama - ja se malo pocastio jednim raftingom na Tari pa nisam bio tu, a jos nisu uveli internet u shatore
Imenjace, sa zakasnjenjem, srecan rodj tebi a i bounty - ju !
Pa da popijemo nesto nekad!
U to ime:
Imenjace, sa zakasnjenjem, srecan rodj tebi a i bounty - ju !
Pa da popijemo nesto nekad!
U to ime:
Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind. The race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself!
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